Thursday, March 22, 2007


Good grief....I CANNOT believe how long it has been since I have posted on here. I got frustrated with Picassa because my pictures were not showing up and have been too busy (or lazy) to find a new place to post them....excuses..excuses...let me see if I can give some kind of update on what is going on with us........

I will be graduating VERY long as I pass the rest of my tests....on May 4th :) I have already accepted a job and am very excited to get started there. I have been checking into some of the ASN to BSN programs and am hoping to resume classes this Fall. I have been doing my preceptorship on an L&D unit and that has been fun and gross all at the same time :) I could tell you lots of gross stuff but I want you to want to come back..ha.

The boys are being the boys....Jackson lost the first of three loose teeth...Thanks to Aunt Molly for somehow getting the Tooth Fairy to stop by her house before Jack could even get home with the tooth. Mason has been begging me to go on a field trip that he has coming up, unfortunately it falls on a day that I have class....he even brought me home a "ticket" that he found somewhere and said, "Look Mom....I got you a ticket so you can go to the farm with me" about breaking my heart.....I hate missing their school trips. Jackson is doing very well at school and has just about mastered writing his first name...this is a big those of you who don't know....Jack was born 9 weeks early and has a few lingering developmental of which is trouble with fine motor skills.

So....I'm sorry that I don't have any pictures to share....I'll try to take some next week...but, at least, I finally got on here to post something anyway, right????


Lacie-n-Kadensmom said...

yea... a new post! Jack had told me that the tooth fairy had already been to see him at home. Then I found out that he had just lost the tooth at granny's house.=0)

Tina said...

Gawwww..its about time you gave us an update. I check all the time and nothing but that Valentines post! Congrats on graduating go girl!