Monday, February 5, 2007

Coupon Books

Ughh...I have become the relative you shy away from....the one you hide from at family gatherings.....and all it took was a newsletter from the boy's school simply stating, "Children who sell at least 5 coupon books will go to an Out of Class Pizza Party". Enough said. Since I can vividly remember being one of the children who had to stay in the class while others ventured down to the cafeteria for the party......watching with a grumbling tummy while they ran back into the classroom...high on pizza sauce and chocolate milk.....I immediately started calling family asking them to buy $15 coupon books loaded with coupons that sound good right now...but let's face it....most will go unused......sigh...anyway....sorry guys....

1 comment:

Lacie-n-Kadensmom said...

Good thing you called and had us buy a book from you. First thing this morning when I got to work one of the ladies on night shift was trying to sell coupon books for her kids. I think everyone up here was already spoken for.