Sunday, April 8, 2007

Easter Stuff

The boys were at my parent's last night coloring eggs and didn't get in bed until after 10:00...of course that didn't keep them from getting up at 6:00 this morning :) You can see here that Mason was excited about getting this book that he has been wanting. And Jack is happy with just about anything dinosaur-related. (Don't you love the nasal flaring?) Aunt Dana and Aunt Kara picked them up for Sunday can see them here, here, here and here ( I was trying to get someone to kiss the other one on the cheek but it wasn't working out very well). We all met over at my parent's for lunch and an easter egg hunt for Jack, Mason, and Lacie...all was going well (the adults pointing out all the eggs for the kids) until Mason was intersected by the two dogs and basically carried and then thrown off by the are his battle wounds. He wanted to leave right away saying, "I never want to come back here again, Mom". It wasn't until we got home that we saw the full extent of the bumps and bruises..along with the bottom half of one eyeball being bruised...we will have to keep an eye on that. We are all relaxing at home now watching the Master's on TV...I can't believe that I am finding it somewhat interesting. Here is one last picture of Jack (he looks sleepy to me but he just keeps denying it..imagine that) and here he is showing off his missing tooth.

I hope everyone had a great Easter :)

Jen...I got the pictures...everyone looks great!

1 comment:

Lacie-n-Kadensmom said...

aww man it says i'm forbidden to see ur pics