Monday, January 15, 2007

Mason Says.......

At 6:30 this morning (they are out of school today)....."Mommy...I have a headache so I won't be going to school tomorrow"

Leaving the dentist a few moments ago....."I was nice to the dentist....I didn't growl at him"

"Mommy....Is Godzilla bigger than the devil?" I am barraged with these types of questions all day long....I am at a constant loss for words.


Queen of the Mayhem said...

Sounds like a smile and nod moment to me! It is amazing the things that kids can think of to say....OFTEN! Just wait until he starts saying crazy things to other people! That's when the embarassment TRULY starts!

Flawed And Disorderly said...

Let me just bombard your poor blog with gobs of comments. I'm trying to figure out who you are! :D Have you posted a comment on my blog? I found you through my site meter and was thrilled to see my blog on your list! Anyway, I want to do the same for you, so let me know what name you comment under...if you leave comments. Otherwise I'll just list you as Pee On The Floor. Ha ha!