Saturday, January 27, 2007

Too Tired to Think of a Title

I am SO tired. I got home from Anniston last night where I, and my nursing class, finished up two full days of terrorism training. Apparently President Bush has declared nurses as first responders to a disaster so this training is mandatory. It was very long, however; interesting and I am hoping to go back to further my training in the future. I went thinking of "terrorists" as people from another country but have returned with the knowledge that two of the most threatening terrorists groups are Americans living right here with us. Anyway...I am really really tired even though I slept until 10:00 this morning which is totally not normal for me. I miss the boys...I haven't seen them since early Thursday morning and now they are at their Dad's so I won't see them until Sunday. They are going to just love me too, by the way, because I have decided they we will be turning off the t.v. on weeknights :) Oh yeah...they are gonna just be so exited...ha.

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